Go Viral

We’re entering the second month of what, like it or not, is becoming a new reality. Coronavirus. Businesses, individuals and families across the country are struggling. The term “going viral” has an entirely new meaning. I challenge all businesses to do just that – go viral. Dig deep into your team’s creative genius to imagine every way possible for your skills to contribute to solutions.

At Medcillary, my team has created an entirely new business stream – built out of a desire to help medical practices scrambling to cope with COVID. As a healthcare consultancy built on a foundation of finding solutions, we found out we’re really good at sourcing PPE – who knew? In eight weeks, the team has established a global network of suppliers and a countrywide distribution matrix filling orders from Carolina to California, helping everyone from clinics to cafes.

The best ideas are not built by consultants or tied to bottom line performance. The best ideas are born out of a desire to make lives better. The fastest way to achieve success is to first help others. Pay attention to the details of other people’s lives. As a leader, you must be willing to put the needs of others first even if it means temporally sacrificing your own wants. At no time in our generation has this meant more. Go viral. Spread your team’s imagination into areas you never thought you’d go. Maybe, you’ll find out you’re really good at something you never expected.


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